AZ SHPO is now hiring a full time position for an archaeological compliance specialist (Planner III).
Job Summary:
This position is required by both state and federal legislation for the implementation of Arizona's State Historic Preservation Program; this program is certified and funded by the National Park Service (NPS). Under general supervision, the position is responsible for the following:
• Participating in statewide cultural resources planning with federal and state agencies.
• Reviewing and commenting on federal undertakings and state plans that could affect properties listed on or eligible for the Arizona and/or National Registers of Historic Places.
• Advising federal and state agencies on historic preservation issues.
• Participating in consultation with federal and state agencies, tribal governments, and other Interested parties.
• Participation in, and review of Programmatic and Memorandum of Agreements for federal cultural resources programs and projects.
• Compiling statistical reports on compliance activities for the End of the Year Report submitted to the NPS and Congress.
• Advising federal and state agencies on compliance with state and federal laws and regulation.
• Writing documents for program guidance for use by federal and state preservation programs and professionals.
• Providing technical review of cultural resources survey, testing, stabilization, excavation, and treatment plans and reports for federal and state agency projects.
• Evaluating National Register eligibility of properties, especially those that are eligible for their information potential.
• Evaluating research designs against current archaeological method and theory and the adequacy of the scientific approach to obtain information potential.
• Entering project and property data into a compliance database.
• Providing training in state and federal laws and regulations for state and federal agencies, tribes and private consulting firms.
• Participate in planning and execution of annual historic preservation conference.
• Provide technical support to Site Steward Coordinator and agencies participating in Site Steward program. • Be able to work remotely with one day in the office per week.
Job Duties:
• Manage, coordinate, and provide technical assistance and review of federal agency undertakings and stale agency plans.
• Advise federal and stale agencies on compliance with federal and state historic preservation laws, regulations and policies.
• Ensure that the agencies are following the legally defined consultation process.
• Review and advise federal and stale agencies on the adequacy of cultural resources identification efforts.
• Ensure the consultation on property Identification with tribes, other agencies, and other interested parties is adequate.
• Review and consult with federal and state agencies on the eligibility of identified properties for inclusion on the Arizona and National Registers of Historic places.
• Conduct technical review of reports.
• Evaluate the Arizona and National Register status of properties based on the "information potential" of that property.
• Establish the "information potential" on current research issues and historic contexts.
• Consult with federal and state agencies, tribes and other interested parties to determine the effects of federal undertakings and state plans on identified register-eligible properties.
• Consult with agencies, tribes and other interested parties on appropriate mitigation measures for Register-eligible properties that will be adversely affected by a federal undertaking or state plan.
• Evaluate research designs for their ability to address current issues and the "information potential" of the property(ies) being treated.
• Assists with planning and execution of annual historic preservation conference.
• Routinely engages in session panels and participates in programming to represent SHPO policy and perspectives.
• Provides technical archaeological support to the Arizona Site Steward Program.
• Provides public education and training on laws and regulations for federal and state agencies, tribal governments, and private sector.
• Participates in development of Memorandum and Programmatic Agreements (MOAs & PAs) with federal agencies.
• Participates in consultation among federal agencies, tribes, and other consulting parties on the development of project specific MOAs and PAs related to Agency programs and/or large complex projects.
• Provides technical review of agreement language, and ensures compliance with the NHPA.
• Ensures the participation of all consulting parties and the best treatment for affected Register-eligible properties.
• In most agreements, acts on behalf of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, a federal agency that has oversight responsibility for all other federal agency compliance with the NHPA.
• Assists in negotiating the terms of MOAs and PAs. This involves consideration of all parties comments, perspectives and concerns.
• Maintains consultation and project documentation in compliance with the approved Records Retention schedules.
• Enters project and property information into compliance databases.
• References electronic inventory (databases and GIS), paper records, AZSITE, and maps.
• Prepares and compiles statistical information for the federal end-of-year report.
• Participates in annual cultural resource planning.
• Participates and contributes to annual planning and objectives.
• Develops planning questionnaires and solicits input from federal and state agencies.
• Perform other duties, as assigned.
Knowledge, Skills & Abilities (KSAs):
Knowledge of:
• Anthropology or archaeology.
• Archaeological field and laboratory methods (including survey, testing, stabilization, excavation, analysis, interpretation, and report generation).
• Historic Preservation practices and the Secretary of Interior's Standards.
• Arizona's history and prehistory.
• Current archaeological theory.
• Arizona and National Registers of Historic Places and criteria for eligibility and listing.
• Computer operations, databases, and PowerPoint.
• National and State preservation legislation.
• Federal regulation implementing Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.
Skill in:
• Oral and written communication.
• Public speaking;
• Leading meetings.
• Technical writing.
• Leading meetings under the Open Meeting Law and Robert's Rules of Order.
• Diplomacy when dealing with difficult compliance situations.
Ability to:
• Read and comprehend technical reports related to archaeology and historic preservation.
• Plan and organize work (includes manipulation of paper reports, COs, maps, and books).
• Research and produce a report.
• Operate a computer, printer, and scanner.
• Analyze data and problem solve.
• Maintain effective relationships with co-workers and other professionals.
• Travel throughout the state and stay overnight.
• Obtain and maintain an Arizona class D driver's license;
• Work independently.
• Work as part of a team.
• Work with the public.
• Work with volunteers.
• Interact appropriately with the media (and according to Agency procedures and policies).
• Provide electronic review of documents
• Conduct data entry.
Selective Preference(s):
An interest in, and a sensitivity to, tribal issues and concerns. Respect for tribal perspectives and beliefs. Diplomacy in dealing with difficult situations and people. Patience and good listening skills.
Pre-Employment Requirements:
By federal regulation, Compliance Review staff must meet the Secretary of Interior's Professional Standards. For archaeological compliance positions, the Standards require a minimum of a Master's Degree in Archaeology or Anthropology, plus:
1. At least one year of full-time professional experience or equivalent specialized training in archaeological research, administration or management;
2. At least four months of supervised field and analytical experience in general North American archaeology; and
3. Demonstrated ability to carry research to completion.
In addition to these minimum qualifications, a professional in prehistoric archaeology shall have at least one year of full-time professional experience at a supervisory level in the study of archaeological resources of the prehistoric period. A professional in historical archaeology shall have at least one year of full-time professional experience at a supervisory level in the study of archaeological resources of the historical period.
The State’s comprehensive benefits package includes, affordable medical, dental, life, and short-term disability insurance plans. Top ranked retirement and long-term disability plans, deferred compensation plan. Accrued sick leave and vacation leave, ten paid holidays per year and wellness plans.
For a complete list of benefits provided by The State of Arizona, please visit our benefits page
Eligible for Arizona State Retirement System pension. Enrollment eligibility will become effective after 27 weeks of employment for newly hired State of Arizona employees.
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Closing date: Jun 24, 2021