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Article III, Section 2 of the AAC bylaws state that goals of the Council are:

  • To promote and coordinate communication and cooperation within the archaeological community
  • To encourage the development and implementation of professional quality in archaeological research and reports
  • To work for the preservation and conservation of the prehistoric and historic heritage of the State

  • To uphold State, Federal, County and Municipal laws, rules, and regulations that protect cultural resources
  • To advocate and publicize these objectives in the State of Arizona, and
  • To educate the public about the goals and methods of archaeology and to promote greater understanding between archaeological organizations and Native American communities.

Membership is open to any individual or institution who holds to the purpose and goals of the AAC.
The memberships are annual, running from January through December.

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NOTE: If you choose to pay by mailing a check when signing up or renewing, it may take a few weeks for your check to be received, and potentially even more weeks for it to be deposited. Your account will not be activated until the check has been deposited and cleared. 

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