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Douglas B. Craig Memorial Research Grant

Arizona archaeologist Douglas ‘Doug’ B. Craig passed away on May 14, 2020 after extended illness complicated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Doug was a great influence in the field of Arizona archaeology and generously shared his knowledge and enthusiasm with students, professionals, and the public.

Doug served as staff archaeologist at Pima Community College's Centre for Archaeological Field Training in the early 1980s and project director for Desert Archaeology, Inc., on the Roosevelt Community Development Study until 1992. While working at Northland Research, Inc., where he spent the remainder of his career, Doug received a PhD in Anthropology from the University of Arizona. In the words of Suzy and Paul Fish, and Maren Hopkins, "Doug was a timeless person, full of energy, joy, and curiosity. His integrity, creativity, and intelligence will never be forgotten."

The Arizona Archaeological Council (AAC), in partnership with the Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society (AAHS) established an annual research grant to honor Doug’s legacy. The AAC-AAHS partnership reflects Doug’s longstanding ties to both the Phoenix and Tucson archaeological communities.

The purpose of this grant is to fund student research/training and presentations/conference attendance. We recognize that opportunities for career development often come at a prohibitive cost for students and recent graduates. The intent of this grant is to provide financial support for career development opportunities. A grant review committee will assess each proposal and choose awardees.

The Grant

Award Money

The maximum award is $2,000. The grant will fund a minimum of two proposals in 2025. Additional proposals may be funded depending on the budget of each proposal awarded and the amount of money remaining in the grant fund.

Who Can Apply:

Current undergraduate students and graduate students or recent graduates (graduation date within 3 years of the grant application) can apply for the grant. Students must be enrolled in a degree seeking program or recently graduated with a degree in an archaeology-related subfield (examples: historical archaeology, bioarchaeology, geoarchaeology, paleobotany, tribal archaeology, zooarchaeology, museum studies). Project proposals must focus on or include topics related to the archaeology and cultural heritage of Arizona.

Evaluation Criteria and Scoring:

The grant review committee will assess and score each proposal using the criteria and scoring rubric below. Successful proposals will include but are not limited to, the following information:

Professional Development (10 points)

  • A maximum of 10 points will be awarded to proposals for conference travel or training.
  • A maximum of 3 points will be awarded to research proposals.

  • All conference travel, training or research projects should address the following questions:

    • What do you see as the major benefit of receiving this grant?
    • How will you this project help you to move on to the next step of your academic or career goals

Research (7 points)

  • Research proposals (non-conference travel or training proposals) can receive a maximum of 7 points.

  • If you are submitting a conference travel or training proposal, you do not need to address these questions

  • If you are submitting a research proposal, answer the questions below:

    • What is the question you are seeking to answer?
    • What past research is related to your question? How does your proposal build on this past research?

Budget (4 points)

  • A maximum of 4 points will be awarded for proposals with clearly articulated budget information. All proposals should address the following questions:
    • How much will your proposal cost in total?
    • What are the major budget items that comprise the proposal and how much does each item cost?
    • How did you determine these costs?

Project Timeline (2 points)

  • A maximum of 2 points will be awarded for proposals with clear timelines. All proposals should address the following questions:
    • When will the activities in the proposal begin and end?
    • If the project consists of multiple activities, when will those specific activities begin and end?

Project Reporting (1 point)

  • Project reporting is not required to receive grant funding, but projects that address the following questions will receive 1 point:
    • If you receive grant funding, will you report back to the committee on what you completed? If so, how?
    • Applicants can propose any form of reporting they want. Examples include a multi-page written report or a 1 page "fact sheet" submitted to the committee, a presentation at the AAC Annual Conference, a journal article in the Journal of Arizona Archaeology, a video submission highlighting project accomplishments or before and after photographs/videos of a project area.

    Project Partners (1 point)

    • Proposals do not require a project partner. However, one point will be awarded to proposals that answer the following questions:
      • Are you partnering with anyone for the project? If so who?
      • Why are partnerships important to the successful implementation of this proposal

    Grant applications are due March 14, 2025.

    For more information on eligibility, please contact Chris Caseldine at

      Application Instructions

      In an effort to accommodate all applicants, proposals can be submitted in one of two ways: a video recording or a written submission. All submissions will be assessed on the way in which they address the evaluation criteria. Please ensure that your submission thoroughly addresses the criteria. If you have questions or need assistance, contact

      Video Submission

      Video submissions should be short in length (5 minutes or less) but must provide the basic information necessary for evaluation. For more information on required application material, see the evaluation criteria section of this document. The intent of the video submission is to provide information for the review committee to consider. There is no requirement on video format. Applicants that chose this option should use discretion in how information is conveyed. Video proposals will be judged on the evaluation criteria, not on an assessment of production value.

      Written Submission

      Written submissions should be no more than 2 pages in length and provide the basic information necessary for project evaluation. For more information on required application materials, see the evaluation criteria section of this document. There is no format required for written submissions, although all submission should address the evaluation criteria. For more information on required application material, see the evaluation criteria section.

      Please submit applications to the AAC President by March 14, 2025.

      Reporting Requirements

      Grant recipients are required to report the results of their research or travel to the President of AAC within 90 days of completion. If the research extends beyond the calendar year of the award, the recipient must present a progress report as well as a final report on the completion of the project. The final report should be emailed to AAC President. In addition, recipients may consider contributing a presentation on the research at the annual AAC Fall Conference or submit a report for publication in the Journal of Arizona Archaeology.

      Grant Fund Use Examples

      Items such as computer time, specialized analysis, photographic supplies, or other supplies needed for a particular study. Funds cannot be used to purchase capital equipment.

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