The Arizona Archaeological Council would like to thank Dan Garcia for providing an update on House Bill 2498. Dan has provided contact information for Arizona State Senators that you can contact today!
HB2498 ALERT: the bill is going before the AZ Senate Committee of the Whole (COW) and constitutionally mandated third read TOMORROW 4/4/18. If it passes, it will be reverted back to the house for a reconciliation vote and then off the Governor Ducey for signature.
Please contact Arizona Senators and ask that they vote NO on HB2498. Emails are good, but offices generally open at 8 or 8:30 so a flood of phone calls to Arizona Republican Senators can stop HB 2498. Here's a list of them and their contact info. Note That the capital letters are there email address followed by
Sylvia Allen R Email: SALLEN (602) 926-5409
Nancy Barto Email: NBARTO (602) 926-5766
Sonny Borrelli Email: SBORRELLI (602) 926-5051
Kate Brophy McGee Email: KBROPHYMCGEE (602) 926-4486
Judy Burges Email: JBURGES (602) 926-5861
Karen Fann Email: KFANN (602) 926-5874
David C. Farnsworth Email: DFARNSWORTH (602) 926-3020
Rick Gray Email: RGRAY (602) 926-5413
Gail Griffin -- Majority Whip Email: GGRIFFIN (602) 926-5895
John Kavanagh -- President Pro Tempore Email: JKAVANAGH (602) 926-5170
Sine Kerr Email: SKERR (602) 926-5955
Warren Petersen Email: WPETERSEN (602) 926-4136
Frank Pratt Email: FPRATT (602) 926-5761
Steve Smith Email: STSMITH (602) 926-5685
Bob Worsley Email: BWORSLEY (602) 926-5760
Steve Yarbrough -- President Email: SYARBROUGH (602) 926-5863
Kimberly Yee -- Majority Leader Email: KYEE (602) 926-3024
Calls before 10 am could help.