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North Wind Resource Consulting - Architectural Historian

01/29/2020 16:10 | AAC Board Admin (Administrator)
Location Phoenix, AZ
Job Type Full Time
Date 9/17/2019

The Architectural Historian will be part of North Wind’s Historic Preservation Team (HPT), which provides a wide variety services associated with the identification, evaluation, and treatment of historic properties. They will also work with North Wind archaeologists on projects conducted under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) and various state historic preservation laws. Other services that the HPT provides include, but are not limited to, historic property research and documentation, historic property planning surveys and historic preservation plans for local communities, National Register of Historic Places nominations and Determinations of Eligibility (DOEs), historic building and streetscape assessments, cultural landscape inventories (CLIs) and reports (CLRs), and supplemental historic preservation services to local governments. The Architectural Historian is responsible for gathering the information through historical research, field survey, and analysis needed to complete these and other types of projects, and works with other members of the HPT to produce technical reports and other deliverables that inform the decisions of clients and review agencies about the treatment of historic properties.

Qualified candidates must have a graduate degree in architectural history, history, public history, or historic preservation and the following: 

•At least 3 years’ experience in conducting historic architectural property identification surveys and project effects assessments in
compliance with Section 106 of the NHPA and state historic preservation laws;
•Outstanding historical research, synthesis, and technical writing skills;
•Strong knowledge of American historic architectural styles and property types and American history;
•Ability to lead projects and contribute effectively as a team member;
•Ability to work independently, with minimal supervision; and,
•Schedule flexibility, including overnight travel with trips of varying lengths.

Please apply online at the Career Job Post

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