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Casa Grande Ruins National Monument (NPS) - Archaeological Technician

04/01/2022 19:26 | AAC Board Admin (Administrator)

This position is located in Casa Grande Ruins National Monument in the Resources Stewardship and Facilities Management Division.

Career-Seasonal appointments are permanent positions and include the same benefits as Career appointments, but do not provide work on a year-round basis. You will work from approximately August through June, and be in a non-pay status for remainder of the year. Non-pay status is usually 2 weeks in duration but can be variable during these months.


Participates in archeological field surveys by walking over the landscape and searching for archeological features and artifacts. Records data and prepares survey records (e.g., site maps, photographs, surface artifact analysis forms, field notes).

Provides leadership to field crews by assigning tasks and monitoring the status of those assignments. Serves as Crew Chief for excavation and survey activities.

Participates in artifact recovery and provenience determination.

Works with various materials for preservation and restoration of historic properties. Evaluates and assists other technicians in the evaluation of specimens (e.g., lithic ground stone, shell, bone, non-artifact material, etc.).

Processes specimens recovered in the field. Prepares specimens for specialized analysis to be sent to dating and other laboratories. Identifies, labels, and packages artifacts for curation. Maintains related databases, forms, maps, and files.

Enters archeological artifact and project data including artifact information, catalog records, field notes, site records, etc. into automated systems, appropriate forms, and archival records. Retrieves and compiles data as required for resource management reports, interpretive exhibits, etc.

Assists in the development of a variety of documents (e.g., cultural resource management plans, preservation guides, historic structures reports, etc.) by gathering data from files and reports, conducting research, evaluating available information, and preparing draft documents.

Performs basic research by conducting interviews and publication and record searches, and synthesizing information collected for scientific, historical, and interpretive values.Provides general technical archeological assistance in a variety of areas related to or impacted by the archeological function, including Section 106 compliance, clearance, and planning; archeological assessments, evaluations, and field inspections.

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