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NV SHPO - Historic Preservation Specialist

04/12/2021 08:55 | AAC Board Admin (Administrator)

Historic Preservation Specialists perform professional cultural resource management activities in the form of statewide historic preservation efforts to ensure compliance with State and/or federal programs, laws, rules and regulations. This includes cooperating with other agencies and the public in conducting a comprehensive statewide survey of cultural resources and maintaining a paper, electronic, and/or GIS inventory of such properties; identifying and nominating eligible resources to the National and State Registers of Historic Places or recognizing resources by erecting State Historic Markers; preparing and implementing a comprehensive statewide historic preservation plan; assisting in the administration of the federal historic preservation assistance program within the State; advising and assisting as appropriate, federal and State agencies and local governments in carrying out their historic preservation responsibilities; cooperating with federal agencies, local governments and the public to ensure that cultural resources are taken into consideration at all levels of planning and development; providing public information, education, training and technical assistance relating to Federal and State Historic Preservation Programs; cooperating with local governments in the development of local historic preservation programs, and assisting local governments in becoming Certified Local Governments (CLGs); providing technical advice to the State of Nevada's Commission for Cultural Centers and Historic Preservation (CCCHP); managing the statutorily-mandated Nevada Site Stewardship Program; administration of the Comstock Historic District for the State as per the requirements of NRS 384; management of the Comstock History Center in Virginia City; administration of Nevada's Native American burial protection legislation. Incumbents possess a degree of knowledge and proficiency sufficient to perform advanced-level work and may provide work direction and training to others.

This position will serve as an archaeological reviewer in the Review and Compliance Program for the Nevada State Historic Preservation Office. The incumbent will recommend to State and federal agencies the kind and intensity of archaeological surveys and historic contexts and background studies to be conducted; review and provide comments on archaeological survey reports prepared in the State to ensure they meet federal and State standards; determine the adequacy of documentation for evaluation of cultural resources discovered; recommend whether or not to concur with federal agency determinations of significance and project related effects; conduct site inspections; provide advice and technical assistance to State and federal agencies regarding the treatment and stewardship of cultural resources; review and prepare technical papers at professional conferences and educate the public on preservation issues; and coordinate with other State and federal agencies to set standards for report writing, evaluation, stewardship, and mitigation of cultural resources. The incumbent will manage the Office's administration of the state's Native American Burial Protection statutes on behalf of the Administrator and will coordinate burial activities with Native Americans and other State agencies.

Minimum Qualifications

Master’s degree from an accredited university in archeology, anthropology, architectural history, art history, history, historic preservation, cultural geography or related field and one year of professional experience in research, writing, or teaching American architectural history, restoration architecture, history, art history, or historic preservation with an academic institution; working for a professional historic preservation consulting firm or a Federal, state, or local entity performing historic preservation work in archaeological research, architectural history, history, or historic preservation; or managing and/or maintaining cultural resource databases to include the digitization of GIS data, data validation and normalization, and resolution of duplicates; OR Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university in architectural history, history, art history, anthropology, historic preservation or closely related field and two years of professional experience as described above; OR one year of experience as a Historic Preservation Specialist I level in Nevada State service; OR an equivalent combination of education and experience as described above.

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