Aspen Environmental Group (Aspen) is seeking a Senior Archaeologist to fill an on-call position as a Project Manager for upcoming projects in Arizona.
Required Education and Experience
Must be permittable at the Principal Investigator or Field Director level on BLM, National Forest, and State lands in Arizona.
Must be knowledgeable of federal, state, and local historic preservation and cultural resources regulations.
An M.A. or a Ph.D. in archaeology.
Minimum of 3 years of supervisory or management experience in CRM; RPA certification preferred.
Expertise in Arizona archaeology; familiarity with U.S. Forest Service Programmatic Agreements, BLM Management Manuals.
Experience assisting agencies with tribal consultation/coordination is a plus.
Experience in conducting pedestrian field survey using Trimble GPS and/or Fulcrum Smartphone technology in addition to illustrating site sketch maps and features accurately.
Experience identifying southwest prehistoric and historic artifact classes and materials and faunal remains,
Have a sound knowledge of soils, geomorphology and how to describe them.
Experience in conducting test excavations and data recovery projects, and completing site forms accurately, succinctly; and quickly in the field using Aspen apps.
Successful candidates must have the ability to maintain high quality field notes, keep good organization of field records, and maintain a professional demeanor in a variety of often strenuous outdoor and remote environmental work conditions.
Experience with ESRI or Adobe Creative Cloud and/or Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint) a big plus.
Excellent writing skills and demonstrable experience in contributing to or preparing resource evaluation documents and technical reports.
Successful candidates must have a valid AZ Driver’s License with a clean driving record and be comfortable working in strenuous hiking and harsh weather conditions.
About Aspen. Aspen is a dynamic, interdisciplinary environmental services firm that provides impacts analysis, permitting, and compliance services for a wide variety of federal and state agencies, as well as private clients. Aspen specializes in providing expert compliance services for complex, multi-faceted infrastructure and public works projects. Aspen’s growing cultural resources group is innovative in the approach and use of new technologies yet remains well-grounded in the professional understanding of federal and state laws and regulations, in addition to local ordinances and general plans applicable to cultural and tribal cultural resources. We maintain a collaborative work environment that promotes multi-disciplinary cooperation and teamwork and rigorous applied science. We pride ourselves on shaping careers in a way that provides a healthy rhythm of work and life responsibilities. Success at Aspen will include a blend of motivated initiative, business acumen, technical expertise, commitment, flexibility, and teamwork.
Aspen offers a wide range of benefits and a competitive compensation package. Hourly rate will be commensurate with experience. The preferred candidate will be an Arizona resident.
To apply.
Please submit a letter of interest, resume, references, and a writing sample of a previously published technical report or report section for which the candidate was the sole or majority author to:
Lauren DeOliveira at ldeoliveira@aspeneg.com
The subject line must state, “Senior Archaeologist/Project Manager – Arizona.”