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Aspen Environmental Group - Senior Archaeologist/Project Manager

04/09/2021 09:24 | AAC Board Admin (Administrator)

Aspen Environmental Group (Aspen) is seeking a Senior Archaeologist to fill an on-call position as a Project Manager for upcoming projects in Arizona.

 Required Education and Experience 

  • Must be permittable at the Principal Investigator or Field Director level on BLM, National Forest, and State lands in Arizona.

  • Must be knowledgeable of federal, state, and local historic preservation and cultural resources regulations.

  • An M.A. or a Ph.D. in archaeology.  

  • Minimum of 3 years of supervisory or management experience in CRM; RPA certification preferred.  

  • Expertise in Arizona archaeology; familiarity with U.S. Forest Service Programmatic Agreements, BLM Management Manuals.  

  • Experience assisting agencies with tribal consultation/coordination is a plus. 

  • Experience in conducting pedestrian field survey using Trimble GPS and/or Fulcrum Smartphone technology in addition to illustrating site sketch maps and features accurately.  

  • Experience identifying southwest prehistoric and historic artifact classes and materials and faunal remains, 

  • Have a sound knowledge of soils, geomorphology and how to describe them. 

  • Experience in conducting test excavations and data recovery projects, and completing site forms accurately, succinctly; and quickly in the field using Aspen apps. 

  • Successful candidates must have the ability to maintain high quality field notes, keep good organization of field records, and maintain a professional demeanor in a variety of often strenuous outdoor and remote environmental work conditions. 

  • Experience with ESRI or Adobe Creative Cloud and/or Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint) a big plus. 

  • Excellent writing skills and demonstrable experience in contributing to or preparing resource evaluation documents and technical reports. 

  • Successful candidates must have a valid AZ Driver’s License with a clean driving record and be comfortable working in strenuous hiking and harsh weather conditions. 

About Aspen. Aspen is a dynamic, interdisciplinary environmental services firm that provides impacts analysis, permitting, and compliance services for a wide variety of federal and state agencies, as well as private clients. Aspen specializes in providing expert compliance services for complex, multi-faceted infrastructure and public works projects. Aspen’s growing cultural resources group is innovative in the approach and use of new technologies yet remains well-grounded in the professional understanding of federal and state laws and regulations, in addition to local ordinances and general plans applicable to cultural and tribal cultural resources. We maintain a collaborative work environment that promotes multi-disciplinary cooperation and teamwork and rigorous applied science. We pride ourselves on shaping careers in a way that provides a healthy rhythm of work and life responsibilities. Success at Aspen will include a blend of motivated initiative, business acumen, technical expertise, commitment, flexibility, and teamwork. 


Aspen offers a wide range of benefits and a competitive compensation package. Hourly rate will be commensurate with experience. The preferred candidate will be an Arizona resident.

To apply.  

Please submit a letter of interest, resume, references, and a writing sample of a previously published technical report or report section for which the candidate was the sole or majority author to: 

Lauren DeOliveira at

The subject line must state, “Senior Archaeologist/Project Manager – Arizona.”

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