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AAC News

Check in here for recent AAC news. members, feel free to comment! Please contact if you have a news post that you would like to submit.

  • 06/13/2023 20:37 | AAC Board Admin (Administrator)

    Thirty years after a federal law mandated the return of Native human remains and funerary items, Arizona still has one-third of them in storage.

  • 06/11/2023 21:49 | AAC Board Admin (Administrator)

    The Arizona Archaeological Council is holding the next Arizona Heritage Policy Committee quarterly meeting on June  15th, 2023 at 1:30 PM. The meeting agenda can be accessed by AAC members and can be found here: 

    2023 June AHPC Meeting Agenda.pdf

    The Arizona Archaeological Council is holding its next board meeting on June  21st, 2023 at noon. The meeting agenda can be accessed by AAC members and can be found here: 

    2023 June AAC Meeting Agenda.pdf

  • 05/10/2023 20:58 | AAC Board Admin (Administrator)

    Grant Writing and Management Webinar with Dr. Lindsay Montgomery 

    Thursday, August 24, 2023 - 1:00-2:00 (AZ time) 

    Have you ever wondered how to apply for a research grant? Or puzzled over where to find fellowship opportunities to support your academic career? On August 24th, join University of Toronto Archaeologist Dr. Lindsay Montgomery to learn tips and tricks for successfully applying for funding. The training will include a review of available grants, planning and writing strategies, and helpful tips for what to do once you've been awarded money. This training is the first of a two-part series that includes a second training workshop to be held in association with the Arizona Archaeological Council’s fall conference in Camp Verde, Arizona. Participants in the August 24, 2023 training are eligible for travel funding for the fall conference. This training series is co-sponsored by the Arizona Archaeological Council and The History Underground.  

    If you’re interested in attending or would like additional information, please contact Matt Guebard at

  • 04/02/2023 12:56 | AAC Board Admin (Administrator)

    The application deadline for the Doug Craig Memorial Research Grant has been extended from March 31, 2023, to April 14, 2023. 

    Doug Craig Memorial Research Grant

  • 02/26/2023 17:46 | AAC Board Admin (Administrator)

    The Arizona Archaeological Council is holding its next board meeting on March  8th, 2023 at noon. The meeting agenda can be accessed by AAC members and can be found here: 

    2023 March AAC Meeting Agenda.pdf

  • 02/01/2023 21:28 | AAC Board Admin (Administrator)

    Join SAA for a conversation about what topics should be workshopped.

    In 1974, the rise of the cultural resources management industry spurred the holding of a conference at the Airlie House retreat in Maryland. The report from that meeting in 1977 helped pave instruction for archaeological practices and the shape of the federal archaeology program in the next decades. But the world is rapidly changing, and archaeology needs to reconvene a new Airlie House for a new century. As part of the effort to define workshop topics on the future of archaeology, the SAA is hosting a webinar on February 8, 2023 to review the impact that Airlie House had on the profession, outline the results of a recent survey on priority topics, and open the floor for conversation about missing or additional workshop topics. 

    Please join us on February 8 for this important and informative event. 

    • Registration will close February 6.
    • Registrants will receive a confirmation email immediately and an email with log in information the day before the event. If you do not receive the automated confirmation email, please double-check that you have completed registration.
    • This event is FREE.

  • 01/21/2023 10:53 | AAC Board Admin (Administrator)

    The Arizona SHPO is hosting a virtual workshop on FCC project reviews. It will go over what SHPO is looking for and updates to required documentation.

    There is a choice of either a morning session or afternoon session on Monday January 30th.  Please see attached flyer to register

     AZ SHPO FCC Workshop 2023-01.pdf

  • 01/07/2023 21:51 | AAC Board Admin (Administrator)

    The Arizona Archaeological Council is holding its next board meeting on January  18th, 2023 at noon. The meeting agenda can be accessed by AAC members and can be found here: 

    2023 January AAC Meeting Agenda.pdf

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