The AAC Board voted in January 2022 to establish a standing Arizona Heritage Policy Committee to assume some of the functions of the former Governor’s Archaeology Advisory Committee (GAAC), which was sunseted by the Arizona Legislature on July 1, 2020, as well as replace the AAC Ad Hoc Political Action Committee. The purpose of the standing committee is to offer recommendations to interested organizations such as local, state, and federal agencies, the Arizona Legislature, or any other body whose decisions could impact Arizona’s Cultural Heritage, with the goal of fostering a conservation and stewardship ethic among land managers, developers, utilities, and agricultural and livestock producers while collaborating to preserve significant historical and archaeological resources for the befit of future generations of Arizonans. Specific areas of focus would include public policy and planning outreach, public education and outreach, and professional development for Heritage Resource professionals. The first meeting of the committee will be held on April 14, 2022 at 2 PM via Microsoft Teams. Agenda is attached.
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AHPC April 2022 Draft Agenda.pdf